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Advisor University 


Advisor University is a professional resource directed to increasing skill, success and profit.  Each publication incorporates foundational truths and insights as well as the latest developments and newest trends from some of today's leading influencers.   


      Imprimis is the free monthly speech digest of Hillsdale College and is dedicated to educating citizens and promoting                  civil and religious liberty by covering cultural, economic, political, and educational issues. Free subscriptions. 

  • A True Story About Makin' A Million the Easy Way   May 2022

      “Here’s a great story to tell your kids, grand kids, college age friends & new clients"!   read more

  • Six Ways You Influence - (or Fail to Influence) - Your Client's Decision Making  Part 1   Mar. 2018


      "Have you ever accepted advice, bought an investment, or agreed to collaborate with someone you didn't like?                             Me neither."    read more 

  • Six Ways You Influence - (or Fail to Influence) - Your Client's Decision Making  Part 2   Mar. 2018


       "Social Proof - Or follow the leader!  Everyone else is doing it - it must be the right thing to do. Advertisers love to  

       tell us when...    read more

  • Would Your Best Client Refer You to (his/her) Best Client?   Sept. 2017


       "When my long-time transaction attorney refers me to another of his clients, recommending that my (and our team's)   

       expertise, imagination...  read more

  • Are 18% Cap Rates in the next Real Estate Cycle?  Nov. 2018

       "On a phone conversation a month or so ago, discussing an equity investment, the subject of future cap rates on real   

       estate was a healthy part of the discussion... read more

  • When One Stroke ​​on a Keyboard Takes Away Your Advantage  May 2017

      "When the meeting discussion reaches the topic of increasing sales, moving out the last piece of inventory or finding the     

      solution to that product that's not selling... read more


 the Advisor Newsletter - A Quarterly Publication of Imprimis Advisors, LLC


Click here for our latest newsletter!

Since 2017, Russ Hatle of Imprimis Advisors has been publishing its exclusive industry newsletter whose message centers around "Unique Real Estate Solutions to Preserve Capital, Add Value and Build Cash Flow."

Inside each publication of the Advisor, Russ strives to include important and timely messages that provide insights from industry insiders and influencers, exclusive marketing tips, along with up to date industry news and the on-going projects of Imprimis Advisors from all around the country. 

If you'd like to receive your own personal issue of the Advisor newsletter mailed to you, fill out our Contact Form and request to be added to our mailing list. Please indicate and include your address - whether email or your complete mailing address - as well as sharing a little about yourself and what topics that interest you. 

For all of us at Imprimis Advisors, we're excited and privileged to have you join the Advisor newsletter group! 

1200 N Federal
Boca Raton, Florida


  3631 Gypsum Creek Road   

 PO Box 1307  

 Gypsum, CO 81637  

 714-883-2815 / 970-524-2055

© 2017 by Imprimis Advisors LLC 

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